Search Results
CRMx | 4.3.3 Use the 3Cs Scenario Clip | Section 4: Communication
CRMx | 4.3.2 Use the 3Cs (Activity Prompt) | Section 4: Communication
CRMx | 4.2.2 Communication During Crisis (Activity Prompt) | Section 4: Communication
CRMx | 6.4 Team Reflection: Hot Clinical Debrief | Section 6: Reflection
CRMx | 2.2.2 Assess Yourself Scenario Clip 1 | Section 2: Preparation
CRMx | 5.5.2 Create Psychological Safety (Activity Prompt) | Section 5: Decision
The Complex Patient - Scenario 3
CRMx | 5.3.1 Organize to Team | Section 5: Decision
CRMx | 1.3.1 History of Crisis Resource Management | Section 1: Introduction
Human factors in emergencies - Allocate attention wisely
CRMx | 6.1 Introduction | Section 6: Reflection
Effectively Communicating with the Public During a Crisis - April 8, 2020